Natalie's photo
Natalie, 一位在香港教英文的年輕女孩,我們在2008/9月於email上認識,她很喜歡珂之幄,訂了房邀請另四位好友一起來玩。我們一直以email聯繫,聊得很廣,直到她12/26來到珂之幄,而Natalie也寄來她的照片給我,很遺憾的是12/26那天,我必須在職訓中心上課,我居然沒有親自見到Natalie!Natalie還非常客氣送我一盒現在「最夯」的伴手禮~Panda Cookie熊貓餅乾。真的很好吃,謝謝妳了~Natalie!!!!!!!
...... I have resumed my work already and I missed Cotswold Villa so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!When my friends look at the photos of your villa, they said they also want to go there!! When they travel to taichong, I will introduce them to you. You and your husband helped us a lot and made our trip be happy and memorable!!But still, we had happy time in Qingjing! We really love to go there again!!!!
Let me attach the photo we took before we got on the taxi from Cotswold. If you were also in the photo, that would be perfect!!!! I am the first one on the left opposite to your husband! The one next to me is Miss Lee, she's my best friend met in my work. And the pair is the couple. All the ladies here are ex-colleagues and now become friends, we are all Lecturers teaching English. We do love your Villa, it's really true!
左邊這位姑娘就是Natalie, 接著是好友李姑娘及一對好友夫婦,最右邊是丁山。
...... I have resumed my work already and I missed Cotswold Villa so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!When my friends look at the photos of your villa, they said they also want to go there!! When they travel to taichong, I will introduce them to you. You and your husband helped us a lot and made our trip be happy and memorable!!But still, we had happy time in Qingjing! We really love to go there again!!!!
Let me attach the photo we took before we got on the taxi from Cotswold. If you were also in the photo, that would be perfect!!!! I am the first one on the left opposite to your husband! The one next to me is Miss Lee, she's my best friend met in my work. And the pair is the couple. All the ladies here are ex-colleagues and now become friends, we are all Lecturers teaching English. We do love your Villa, it's really true!
新一年到來,祝你生意興隆!cotswold villa 日日客滿啊!
Dear Natalie,
意思就是﹕「非常感動 It's so appreciative!」
聽說附近的店家還有賣牠們喜歡的窩窩頭給人們吃呢!It's so interesting!