優質選擇 Quality
許多遊客來到清境,對於住宿很難安排 - 因為不知道要從何選起
在珂之幄,我們只提供給您最實在、最合理、最優質的住宿品質和服務 。從部落格到 Facebook 的照片,多是我們親自拍攝,以「遊客」的立場出發,為您捕捉各個美美的角度和風景。-
In the wake of Taiwan's tourism and the trend of "bed & breakfast" in Taiwan's countryside, travellers often face a difficult choice - Where to stay? It is especially true in Cingjing Farm, where European-infused accommodations are almost everywhere.
Yet at The Cotswolds Villa, we strive to provide you a quality service with reasonable price. We take part in every aspect of maintaining our property - from our blog to Facebook's photos, gardening, and more.
我們是民宿,但我們卻不與住宿品質妥協!來到珂之幄您也許會先看到為了維護這美好環境的男主人 Asungo 努力的拔著草、修剪花木,而花上大部分的時間。當別人急著廣告推銷自己,他們卻默默的做著為了讓來這邊住的旅客更舒適的事‧‧‧
這裡也許不是最美、最好,房間沒有很多,也沒有太多的豪華排場,可是只要您願意,就像回到家裡一樣,您可以自在、從容、舒適的待在這裡, 一起感受大自然帶給生命的滋潤,以及珂之幄主人的每一份用心。
We are a bed & breakfast, literally offering our guest a place to sleep & a breakfast in the next morning. But, we do not compromise the quality! Our guest might see the host gardening and deweeding when you just arrive. While other business owners are promoting themselves with ads, the host is quietly doing their own part to ensure a comfortable living environment for guests.
Because, we have faiths!
Perhaps this is not the most beautiful nor excellent accommodation; maybe it lacks luxurious presentation and decor. However, only if you are willing to - you can chillax at our B&B with your most laid-back lifestyle. You are welcomed to experience the goodness in life brought by Mother Nature with us, with the host's service and effort.
如同其名的「客之窩」,是由女主人 Daisy 親手設計之英國鄉村建築。從畫設計圖、建築內部設計、裝潢擺設、傢俱選購,甚至是「全清境第一座」壁爐上的煙囪,也是特地從台灣知名燒窯地點「南投蛇窯」訂做、由師傅「手拉坯」而成。
Cotswolds, cozy world. Our property is designed by the host, Daisy, whom was inspired by her various business trip to the UK and North America during her career as a senior sales manager in tech industry. From drafting the outer look, the interior, decor details, furniture purchases, to the first chimney & fireplace in Cingjing - together with her husband (Asungo), Daisy participated wholeheartedly. Even the chimney caps were handcrafted by pottery masters based in the famous pottery workshop, The Snake Kiln in Nantou.
At The Cotswolds Villa, we want our guest to feel like home. A home away from home. A home with an English rustic touch. A home with a natural, relax, and comfy vibe.
We have faiths in our services. We do not give in the quality just because we are a B&B. We insist:
- 本山莊以五星飯店品質控管房務清潔 - 床單、床墊、浴巾...etc,在每位房客入住後立即專業地消毒、送洗,並於每組房客入住前,再由管理人員複檢。不惜成本的高品質要求,就是要每位貴賓住的安心。我們床鋪使用訂製的100% MIT 純羽絨被(重量約2公斤),即便來到寒冷的冬季,我們除了提供電毯,也在每房設置了德國進口葉片式暖氣。 (Our beds are equipped with 100% down comforter, and all our linens are sanitized and professionally washed once used. Prior to our guest's arrival, the management double-check the cleanness of rooms. During winter, we provide heating blanket under the bed, as well as heaters made in and imported from Germany.)
- 本山莊主要結構由「RC鋼筋混凝土」與「筏式基礎」構成,我們親自監工,由動工到施工完畢共耗時三年半!堪稱清境最紮實、最安全的建築。(We are an earthquake-resistant building, constructed with raft foundation and reinforced concrete & steel. The host supervised the construction, and it took more than three years to complete.)
- 內部全由香杉裝潢,天然木頭香味道飄散各個房間內部 - 完全天然! (Interiorly decorated with cedars that emit natural fragrance.)
- Daisy 親自挑選近百幅來自法國的油畫,點綴在山莊大廳、餐廳、樓梯間,以及客房內,每幅畫都值得您細細品味。(Daisy handpicked oil paintings imported from France, and displayed each throughout our lobby, restaurant, hallways, and rooms.)
- 所有傢俱都採用最高級「桃花心木」實木「手工雕刻」傢俱。連床板都是特地要求師傅依照 Daisy 畫的「玫瑰花束」草圖手工雕製而成。所有傢俱皆真材實料,決無合成木板,或者碎料木頭所製造成的貼皮或偽實木傢俱。隨著全球原木料供應稀少,每件實木傢俱都是值得收藏的精品。(All furniture were hand-carved from mahogony logs. Even the bed boards were requested by Daisy to be carved from her design of a rose bouquet. Each piece is from real logs, not from synthetic or crashed woods. As global supply of woods decline, each piece of our furniture can be appreciated as art.)
- Daisy 更考入職訓中心學960小時之烘焙課程,並考取中餐、西餐、麵包與蛋糕丙級,三項專業執照。Daisy的女兒 (Karina) 也從竹科離職,在2018年加入,並考取麵包丙級、西點與麵包乙級 (為中華民國最高的烘焙專業證照)。我們自 2010 年夏天成立「珂之幄烘焙坊」,以我們手作之麵包限量提供給客人當早餐,是清境唯一有此特色之民宿。(Daisy even enrolled and graduated from a vocational training baking program. She has Chinese culinary, Western culinary, and baking certificates at Level C. Her daughter, Karina, quitted her job in semiconductor industry, joining the B&B in 2018. Karina is a certified pastry chef & baker with the highest certification in Taiwan (Level B).)
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麵包或許未盡符大眾口味,但我們選用健康、天然食材 |
8. 「中、英語雙聲道」的親切網路互動!珂之幄的大、小主人,都在 Facebook(第一家成立 Facebook Fan's Page 粉絲團的清境民宿;我們沒有購買網告或部落客貼文,也慢慢經營到2800多位粉絲)、Blogger (不假外人之手,由我們經營的專屬部落格)與來自亞洲鄰國的旅客互動。若您母語非中文,歡迎使用英語 email 我們!
(We speak English, Mandarin Chinese, and Japanese! Please contact us if Mandarin Chinese is not your first language.)
9. 喜愛園藝的 Asungo & Daisy 更在庭院裡種滿各種櫻花、楓樹、松、杉、花草等。要看富士櫻與吉野櫻秘境,不必到日本,清境珂之幄山莊就有。更有台灣特有之「八重櫻」、「福爾摩沙白櫻」等。更別提四季皆美的「落羽松」,以及青綠蓬勃的「墨西哥水杉」。至於花草方面,則有「法國菊」、「海芋」、「繡球花」,等等,族繁不及備載!
(Asungo & Daisy love gardening. Our B&B is surrounded with various cherry trees, cedars, maple trees, and flowers. You don't have to go to Japan for pink cherry blossoms. We have them here in March! Our foliage changes colors with seasons as well. At The Cotswolds Villa, you can experience the ecology of Cingjing.)