清境遇見黃嘴角鴞 (?) Mountain Scops Owl in Cingjing

在03/02 或許有不少朋友曾關注珂之幄的貓頭鷹,這也是我們全家充滿欣喜地第一次親眼看到貓頭鷹。當時牠約從當天中午站立在樹枝上,還能轉頭觀察周圍環境;近黃昏時,牠頭逐漸低垂,我們與客人都以為牠在睡覺。入夜後天色暗,隱約能看見牠仍站在原地不動。

03/03 早晨牠仍然站在櫻花樹枝上,卻在客人用早餐時,居然眾目睽睽之下掉下來... 雖然我有二次成功找集集特有野生動物救援隊來救援成功的案例,這次卻只能看牠飛上天堂。從外觀看起來,可能是黃嘴角鴞的雛鳥 (有請網友專家來指認)。推估可能生病、誤食農藥,撐不住,而最後一命嗚呼......

It was a joyful surprise to see an owl standing on the branch of our cherry tree on 03/02. It was standing there over night, while it seemed active during early afternoon where it was able to turn its head to observe the environment. My family and I had not seen a real owl, although I once made an owl doll from potter clay. Unfortunately, on 03/03 it fell down while our guests were having breakfast... Even with previous rescue experiences, this time I could not save it again. It seemed to be a mountain scops owl that was so sick since 03/02, and could not live through the next morning. It probably was sick from disease or agricultural chemicals/pesticide. A joyful surprise turned into a tragedy...

