飯店民宿收回的牙膏能幹嘛?What To Do With The Hotel Toothpastes?

外出旅行時,有種痛苦就是不想買廉航的行李費,也不想托運行李,更不想帶一整條大牙膏出門  😅







再次謝謝舊雨新知的支持~ 您們的建議,我們理解也有收到喔 👌

環保♻️ 不是文青或中產階級才做的事。簡單來說,就是從3R做起:

Reduce (減少), reuse (重複使用), recycle (回收再用) 


🎶Jack Johnson “The 3R’s”🎵

It is literally a first world problem that when traveling light, the choice of a proper, dainty tooth paste is so hard to find. 💢

It came across my mind that I should collect some tooth pastes for my future travels this summer as I was doing housekeeping.

I scavenged some toothpastes that were left untouched in checked-out rooms. 

It wasn't difficult at all for me to accumulate to this amount of 24 small tooth pastes. It took only a week or so. Most of the toothpastes were used only once or twice, and the rest were absolutely new.

Now I am able to travel the world for 720 days with this pack ✈️🌏

💡 For our Loyal Customers, have you noticed? 💡

We have abolished the small packed bathing soaps and shampoos to cut down the usage of plastic, and to reduce the output of waste in the mountains since late June.

We have installed wall-mounted 3 in 1 cleansing lotion and conditioner that still guarantee our Guests a comfortably fragrant and moisturized stay.🍀

We would like to thank our clients who always give honest feedbacks. We are well aware of the suggestions.

♻️Being eco-friendly is not a thing that only hipsters or middle-class does. It begins with 3Rs:

Reduce, reuse, recycle.

Let's sing with John to memorize these simple steps. Shall we? 👀


