線上訂房 Book
We strive to provide better rates(*) for guests who book directly from us.
It only takes 3 steps.
_Step 1. 請先到我們的官網,確認您要的房型與日期。
- Please visit our Official Website to confirm the room and date.
- Once the room is confirmed via the system or phone call, email, you may pay with credit card online, or ATM.
Step 3. 付款後,煩請來電或來信確認。若您用ATM,請告訴我們您的訂房日期、入款日期、金額,與您的帳戶末五碼。若使用我們的線上刷卡系統,請于付款時據實填寫您的基本資料,並備註您入住日期與房型。我們將會自動收到系統通知。您也可以再來信或來電確認。
- Once the payment is completed, please call or email us to confirm. If you use our online credit card payment system, please fill out your contact information and note with the date and room you have booked. We will receive an automatic notification.
Here is our contact information.
** 我們賣給各大訂房平台的價格都一致,惟當訂房平台或比價網彼此削價或促銷時,該「破盤價」是該通路的讓利(犧牲利潤)行為,此價格與民宿端操作無關。We sell an equivalent rate to Online Travel Agency (OTA). But when OTA is having promotions or discounts that lead to lower rates, it is its sole behaviour of "profit-yielding" that is out of our control.
- 市話 TEL: +886-49-2802388
- 傳真 FAX: +886-49-2802863
- 行動 MOBILE: 0911-816071
- 電郵 E-MAIL: cotswoldvilla@yahoo.com.tw
- 地址:台灣 54641 南投縣仁愛鄉仁和路206-11號(台14甲線10.8公里處)|| No.206-11, Renhe Rd., Ren-ai Township, Nantou County 54641, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
我們就是要您的預約! |