2012/01/22, Sunday!
今天晚上是除夕,我們在這裡祝大家龍年平安、健康,新年快樂!寒流也來了,請大家記得多保暖,小心流感~~~ 健康最重要,龍年行大運!
Tonight is Chinese New Year's Eve. We wish all our fans have a healthy and blessed Year of Dragon! It's also getting colder, please take care, stay warm, and be aware of catching flu and cold. Being healthy is always the most important priority! Happy Chinese New Year! Happy Year of Dragon!
今天晚上是除夕,我們在這裡祝大家龍年平安、健康,新年快樂!寒流也來了,請大家記得多保暖,小心流感~~~ 健康最重要,龍年行大運!
Tonight is Chinese New Year's Eve. We wish all our fans have a healthy and blessed Year of Dragon! It's also getting colder, please take care, stay warm, and be aware of catching flu and cold. Being healthy is always the most important priority! Happy Chinese New Year! Happy Year of Dragon!