你要去哪裡,☁️?Where are you going, clouds?
夏天是清境的雲海最活躍的季節~ 因中低海拔山區的水汽遇酷暑蒸發,或者遇午後雷陣雨 ,濕氣飄上來清境附近的山群。有時在奇萊山、合歡山 的那一端,兀自探頭,好像要翻過山來; 有時卻低低的,沉在我們對面的山腳旁,好似一團棉花。更幸運的時候,還能看到橫跨 #奇萊山 頭的美麗彩虹。
Summer is Cingjing's best season to see clouds. As the heat in smaller, lower mountains, or the humidity after an afternoon thunderstorm is evaporated, clouds appear and clustered around our nearby mountains. Sometimes clouds on the other end of Mt. Hehuan or Mt. Qilai, showing only a tip as if they are playing hide and seek. Sometimes they sink below us, just like a humongous ball of cotton candy. Sometimes, with all the bless and luck, we can see a rainbow stand across Mt. Qilai!
夏天是清境的雲海最活躍的季節~ 因中低海拔山區的水汽遇酷暑蒸發,或者遇午後雷陣雨 ,濕氣飄上來清境附近的山群。有時在奇萊山、合歡山 的那一端,兀自探頭,好像要翻過山來; 有時卻低低的,沉在我們對面的山腳旁,好似一團棉花。更幸運的時候,還能看到橫跨 #奇萊山 頭的美麗彩虹。
Summer is Cingjing's best season to see clouds. As the heat in smaller, lower mountains, or the humidity after an afternoon thunderstorm is evaporated, clouds appear and clustered around our nearby mountains. Sometimes clouds on the other end of Mt. Hehuan or Mt. Qilai, showing only a tip as if they are playing hide and seek. Sometimes they sink below us, just like a humongous ball of cotton candy. Sometimes, with all the bless and luck, we can see a rainbow stand across Mt. Qilai!