2018感謝有您 Thank you for being here in Year 2018
許多朋友去跨年晚會的現場了,據說現場非常熱鬧。即使無法去現場同樂,但都感染到過年的喜悅。不論你是外出跨年,還是陪電視跨年,我們都有一樣的願望~希望明年事業更順利、家庭更平安、身體更健康、財源更豐收!! 各位好朋友,讓我們一起迎接嶄新的2019年!!!
Many friends are out to celebrate the New Year’s Eve now. Though we can’t be present at the concerts, but we have heard and thought that it must be exciting at the spot! It doesn’t matter if you are out there in the concerts, or stay in to celebrate with TVs - we all have the same wishes. We wish for a more successful career, a more healthy body & mind for the family or ourselves, and a more prosperous year with more fortune! Let us embrace the brand new Year of 2019!
Many friends are out to celebrate the New Year’s Eve now. Though we can’t be present at the concerts, but we have heard and thought that it must be exciting at the spot! It doesn’t matter if you are out there in the concerts, or stay in to celebrate with TVs - we all have the same wishes. We wish for a more successful career, a more healthy body & mind for the family or ourselves, and a more prosperous year with more fortune! Let us embrace the brand new Year of 2019!