攪拌機也趕流行罷工了 Mixer on Strike

攪拌機最近罷工,維修人員又因烘焙展無法立刻來修,所以這幾天的麵包都是我手揉的⋯ 今天蹂躪了三公斤的麵團,出爐的成品依然跟機器攪拌得一樣~ 美美的啊 😍



  1. 即發乾燥酵母 + (溫) 水攪拌混合均勻
  2. 粉類中間挖個洞,將步驟一混合液倒入
  3. 從邊緣(乾燥處)向中間(濕潤處)翻攪,直到材料混和成團
  4. 將麵糰移到工作桌,開始以指關節揉壓麵糰 (可呈順時針方向旋轉,將麵團周圍壓進中心)
  5. 端看麵糰重量,過程約十~二十五分鐘,直到麵團出筋性 (表面呈光滑、不黏手) (若想要再重訓,或者追求軟綿口感,可以持續蹂躪麵團直到呈薄膜狀 = 擴展完成到柔軟階段)
  6. 若配方有油脂:加入油脂,並持續蹂躪到工作桌、麵糰表面的油線完全被麵團吸收。此過程視油量而定,約十~二十五分鐘。油脂完全吸收後,麵糰觸感會更加柔軟,並散發油脂的芬芳。 
  7. (下略) 基本發酵、中間發酵、整形、最後發酵、烤焙。

The mixer has been down for maintenance recently, so these days I hand-knead my breads. Today I punched and threw around a 3KG-dough, and the final product looks as fine as machine-kneaded! 😋 Mmmm my forearms and palms are strong indeed.

I am sharing my experience of kneading the dough by my bare hands:
  1. Mix well the active dry yeast + (lukewarm) water 
  2. Dig a well in the dry ingredient's mixture. Pour the combination of Step 1 in.
  3. Combine the mixture from the side (dry part) into the center (moist part). Mix well until it comes together.
  4. Move the sticky dough onto the bench. Use knuckles to press and knead the dough (work in clockwise direction and fold in the side into the center).
  5. Depending on the weight, it takes about 10-25 minutes for the dough to form gluten (It should feel smooth, shiny, and not sticky). (If you prefer to work out your arms, or a softer texture, you can knead for more until the gluten can stretch like the wing of a cicada = a bit over the full-development.)
  6. For recipe that has fat: add in the fat, and work on the dough until it is fully absorbed. The dough should feel softer with the fat's aroma. Depending on the recipe, it should take another 10-25 minutes. 
  7. (Continuing the baking process...) 

