2019新冠病毒肆虐,損傷比2003的SARS 更慘。
山區有充分的新鮮空氣,又沒都市的摩肩接踵的飛沫傳染危機。歡迎大家往戶外運動,到清境農場 🐑 走走、爬合歡山 🐾健身,增強免疫力 💪
The COVID-19 outbreak has been a worse economic catastrophe than SARS in 2003.
Wearing surgical masks and washing hands constantly are not enough to stop the panic.
We have sterilized the items in our guest rooms with 75%-alcohol once guests check-out.
Cingjing is a mountainous countryside that offers fresh air and less probability to be in the viral contact.
Taking a walk in the nature of Cingjing Farm, exercising and hiking in Hehuan Mountain can be the ways to boost immunity.
山區有充分的新鮮空氣,又沒都市的摩肩接踵的飛沫傳染危機。歡迎大家往戶外運動,到清境農場 🐑 走走、爬合歡山 🐾健身,增強免疫力 💪
The COVID-19 outbreak has been a worse economic catastrophe than SARS in 2003.
Wearing surgical masks and washing hands constantly are not enough to stop the panic.
We have sterilized the items in our guest rooms with 75%-alcohol once guests check-out.
Cingjing is a mountainous countryside that offers fresh air and less probability to be in the viral contact.
Taking a walk in the nature of Cingjing Farm, exercising and hiking in Hehuan Mountain can be the ways to boost immunity.