昨天 (5/26/2018) 我們接待藝人蔡昌憲先生。雖然便服、休閑打扮,還是被我認出來,相談才知他好年輕,只是出道得早。祝他永遠星光閃閃!
Mr. Emerson Tsai, a Taiwanese host & actor stayed at our B&B last night. His casual outfit couldn't make him a common folk. I was surprised by his young age! Wish Emerson an healthy, happy, and continuing successful career in the entertainment industry.
Mr. Emerson Tsai, a Taiwanese host & actor stayed at our B&B last night. His casual outfit couldn't make him a common folk. I was surprised by his young age! Wish Emerson an healthy, happy, and continuing successful career in the entertainment industry.