2018 好食民宿創意早餐競賽 Nantou's Good Food & Creative Breakfast Competition
為了這次活動,我和媽在前一天(8/5)下午開始忙碌,一路到凌晨才告一段落。早上忙完早餐,近中午客人退房與房務清潔後,我和母親在下午交房前的巡房之間,抽空輪流開始做麵包,準備了我們這次競賽的主題「麵包三吃」之早餐個人套餐,並融入「清境珂之幄山莊 幸福小鋪」的友善農作,隆重推出~~ 👩🍳
Last Monday (August 5th) we attended a competition hosted by Nantou Bed & Breakfast Association & Nantou County. This competition, called "Nantou Good Food & Creative Breakfast Show," aimed to incorporate local produce from Nantou County into a breakfast set offered by a legitimate B&B business based in Nantou.
My mother and I had been bustling around for this even since August 4th's afternoon. After a busy, full-house breakfast, near noon we sent regards and goodbyes to our guests. Shortly, we began housekeeping and room check. My mother and I took turn to make doughs in between, to prepare our breakfast set, "Bread in Three Ways." Our theme is to stay with the idea of "source local," using local organic produce sold at our "Happiness Stall."
We could not sleep until 01:30AM when everything was set and ready. At 07:05AM in the next morning, we headed to the venue located in Nantou City. 09:10-10:00 was the preparation time, where we finished preparing and presenting our breakfast set as expected. I wanted our presentation to be natural, rustic, and a wild. (Just a bit). After the preparation time, the venue invited students from five universities and colleges to participate the show as well. We the B&B owners, were very honoured to have the chance to be "judges" for them, by understanding, sampling, and rating (by giving them stickers if we thought it was delicious) their products. Right after, it was the show time for five-star hotel chefs to present their creation. Again, we were really lucky to see their work, creativity, and skills!
It was not until the above mentioned activities were over did we know the result of the competition. My mom and I sat nervously down the stage, waiting until the third round (the host announced five winners each round; total twenty winners) did we hear "The Cotswolds Villa" announced through the microphone. That, was the moment when we finally relieved.
我們終於獲得好食民宿Top 20的殊榮;一番忙碌與辛苦終於有收穫。也因此拋磚引玉,我們民宿內所寄賣的有機小農產品,有了不一樣的曝光機會和應用方式~ 誰知道甜柿可以做麵包,而且天然色素還被保留?誰又知道原生種小米跟土肉桂籽可以做成好吃的麵包呢?
We are finally in Top 20! Efforts paid off, and we had an opportunity to let more people not only know our bread and breakfast, but also our Happiness Stall. Who would know persimmon bread can make bread, and its natural color could even be preserved? How about endemic millet and cinnamon seeds?
We can be the first in Taiwan! :D
Kudos to bread and fruit that were beautifully presented. Their sacrifice made our success possible. We were busily carving out pineapple fruit and washing the stone plates the night before.
《備註 Note 1 》 此次活動因擺盤裝飾評比需要,所以以石板(使用前皆以食用酒精再次消毒)、挖空鳳梨盛盤。在我們民宿實地用餐時,因清洗、送餐、效率與清潔需求,我們皆使用白色瓷盤,以及專業的洗烘碗機。特此說明。
Due to the criteria of presentation at the contest, we used natural stone plates, which were washed, cleaned, and sanitized. However during on-site dining at our breakfast restaurant, due to efficiency and cleaning issues, we still us white plates that are washing-machine safe.
《備註 Note 2》更多關於我們幸福小鋪農特產介紹,請點此。
For more information about our Happiness Stall, please click here.
《備註 Note 3》中時電子報「南投好食民宿早餐大賽 業者TOP 20爭霸戰」新聞報導。
China Times has a cover regarding this competition. Please click here.
為了這次活動,我和媽在前一天(8/5)下午開始忙碌,一路到凌晨才告一段落。早上忙完早餐,近中午客人退房與房務清潔後,我和母親在下午交房前的巡房之間,抽空輪流開始做麵包,準備了我們這次競賽的主題「麵包三吃」之早餐個人套餐,並融入「清境珂之幄山莊 幸福小鋪」的友善農作,隆重推出~~ 👩🍳
Last Monday (August 5th) we attended a competition hosted by Nantou Bed & Breakfast Association & Nantou County. This competition, called "Nantou Good Food & Creative Breakfast Show," aimed to incorporate local produce from Nantou County into a breakfast set offered by a legitimate B&B business based in Nantou.
My mother and I had been bustling around for this even since August 4th's afternoon. After a busy, full-house breakfast, near noon we sent regards and goodbyes to our guests. Shortly, we began housekeeping and room check. My mother and I took turn to make doughs in between, to prepare our breakfast set, "Bread in Three Ways." Our theme is to stay with the idea of "source local," using local organic produce sold at our "Happiness Stall."
- 紫米雜糧吐司佐馬鈴薯沙拉三明治:使用松林農場有機原生種小米與珂之幄特製熬煮的十榖紫米粥;營養滿分 💯
- 香蕉肉桂巧克力螺旋吐司:選用埔里香蕉,以及我們自家在清境種植的土肉桂葉、松林農場出品的山肉桂籽(賽德克語 Magaly);在整形時,每條抹入34克的濃厚巧克力
🍫,搭上天然紐西蘭奶油⋯ 一切開,香蕉、巧克力、奶油香和著肉桂香撲鼻
😋 想要健康又嘴饞時,吃片紫米雜糧,再吃這螺旋吐司,過過癮吧
- 清境高山甜柿麵包:包著蒸熟、軟的原味地瓜與加州葡萄乾,甜柿麵包麵糰在製作中,全程不加一滴水!僅以甜柿本身水份,加入天然奶油。即使在高溫烘烤過後,甜柿本身的天然橘色色素仍被保留。入口Q彈,又包著平衡口感的鬆軟地瓜,嗯~ 可是限定產品喔,甜柿用完就沒了!
- Purple Rice Multigrain Bread with Potato Salad (Sandwich): We used Farm of Pines's Taiwanese endemic millet and our special purple rice ten-grain congee that had been stewed for a while. Super nutritious!
- Banana Cinnamon Chocolate Swirl Bread: We used Puli's bananas, and the endemic cinnamon leaves that grew in our own yard. Additionally, we threw in 3 pieces of Farm of Pine's cinnamon seeds, just to make it more fragrant even after being baked. I evenly spread in 34 grams of thick chocolate; kneaded with natural Kiwi butter... A slice with banana, chocolate, cinnamon, and butter. All you have it. Want nutrition? A slice of this and a slice of our multigrain bread. Yum yum.
- Cingjing High Mountain Persimmon Bread: Filled with steamed, unsweetened sweet potato and Californian raisins, we did not add any drop of water during kneading process. The water preserved by the persimmon itself was absolutely enough, and its natural orange color was also preserved after 30~40 minutes of baking in high heat. The texture was chewy but not hard. The sweet potato balanced the texture and brought in its softness and natural sweetness. So delicious. So limited! We will run out soon when persimmons gone!
We could not sleep until 01:30AM when everything was set and ready. At 07:05AM in the next morning, we headed to the venue located in Nantou City. 09:10-10:00 was the preparation time, where we finished preparing and presenting our breakfast set as expected. I wanted our presentation to be natural, rustic, and a wild. (Just a bit). After the preparation time, the venue invited students from five universities and colleges to participate the show as well. We the B&B owners, were very honoured to have the chance to be "judges" for them, by understanding, sampling, and rating (by giving them stickers if we thought it was delicious) their products. Right after, it was the show time for five-star hotel chefs to present their creation. Again, we were really lucky to see their work, creativity, and skills!
![]() 大會邀請到的日月行館主廚劉恒宏先生(阿宏師)擔任示範嘉賓。劉先生也剛好是我母親中餐烹飪課的老師。 Chef Liu was my mother's instructor in Chinese culinary. He was also invited to this event. Look how happy my mother (center) was! |
It was not until the above mentioned activities were over did we know the result of the competition. My mom and I sat nervously down the stage, waiting until the third round (the host announced five winners each round; total twenty winners) did we hear "The Cotswolds Villa" announced through the microphone. That, was the moment when we finally relieved.
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與南投縣縣長林明溱先生合影 I had a picture with the mayor of Nantou County, Mr. Lin Ming-Zhen. |
我們終於獲得好食民宿Top 20的殊榮;一番忙碌與辛苦終於有收穫。也因此拋磚引玉,我們民宿內所寄賣的有機小農產品,有了不一樣的曝光機會和應用方式~ 誰知道甜柿可以做麵包,而且天然色素還被保留?誰又知道原生種小米跟土肉桂籽可以做成好吃的麵包呢?
We are finally in Top 20! Efforts paid off, and we had an opportunity to let more people not only know our bread and breakfast, but also our Happiness Stall. Who would know persimmon bread can make bread, and its natural color could even be preserved? How about endemic millet and cinnamon seeds?
We can be the first in Taiwan! :D
Kudos to bread and fruit that were beautifully presented. Their sacrifice made our success possible. We were busily carving out pineapple fruit and washing the stone plates the night before.
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甜柿麵包整形完,準備發酵之前,就是長得這副美美的模樣。聽說玩Facebook已退流行;歡迎大家追蹤我們的Instagram (IG) 官方帳號 @cotswoldstw It was how pretty our persimmon bread was before letting it rise. It's been told Facebook is no longer hype. Follow us on Instagram then! (@cotswoldstw) |
《備註 Note 1 》 此次活動因擺盤裝飾評比需要,所以以石板(使用前皆以食用酒精再次消毒)、挖空鳳梨盛盤。在我們民宿實地用餐時,因清洗、送餐、效率與清潔需求,我們皆使用白色瓷盤,以及專業的洗烘碗機。特此說明。
Due to the criteria of presentation at the contest, we used natural stone plates, which were washed, cleaned, and sanitized. However during on-site dining at our breakfast restaurant, due to efficiency and cleaning issues, we still us white plates that are washing-machine safe.
《備註 Note 2》更多關於我們幸福小鋪農特產介紹,請點此。
For more information about our Happiness Stall, please click here.
《備註 Note 3》中時電子報「南投好食民宿早餐大賽 業者TOP 20爭霸戰」新聞報導。
China Times has a cover regarding this competition. Please click here.