2018 合歡山越野馬拉松在清境 Hehuanshan Marathon in Cingjing
今天從06:00AM起,一直到現在,我們外面的馬路人聲鼎沸,好不熱鬧!因為今天是一年一度的合歡山越野馬拉松~ 馬拉松比賽的公告,約在今年的三月;今年如同以往,活動一公告,我們的客房皆售磬!(感謝大家的支持)。今年,我們特地將早餐時間提早到清晨五點,讓參加全馬組(06:30起跑)的客人,也能吃到我們的早餐。
我在UCSD讀書時,會在宿舍旁的小峽谷與灌木林跑步,算是越野跑,非常有趣。回台後,在台GG工作時,也曾常慢跑,參加公司慢跑社,每週兩天定期到交大跑步。不去團練時,也會自己從租屋處跑繞清交大校園一圈或兩圈(約7K或14K)。跑步只是求健康,不求挑戰自我極限。所以至今,我也只參加過New Balance半馬(大學時期)、阿里山馬拉松14K(的樣子)、寶二水庫慈善超級馬拉松(本人第一個馬拉松就是超馬 QQ)。超馬跑完後,我深感過程太折磨人,尤其到30K左有身心靈來到撞牆期,只覺終點遙遙無期、全身疲乏無力。
It’s been quite bustling and crowded since 06:00AM. Today is the one and only Hehuanshan Marathon (合歡山越野馬拉松), where runners start in Cinjing, at around 2000M, just at the plaza right next to us, all the way up to Wuling (武嶺, 3275M) and back. The announcement of the event was in this March, and all our rooms were booked and sold right after. (We are very grateful of the support from our guests all the way for these years). We also scheduled our breakfast earlier to 5AM, so participants could all enjoy our breakfast before the run (Runners of 42K and 45K had to start at 06:30AM).
I used to run more frequently when I was at UCSD, in a nearby bush and on its trail. It was quite fun, because sometimes I could see rabbits and little flowers bloom after the rain. I also joined the company's running club in my previous job. Besides, I also ran around NCTU and NTHU for a lap or two (7K or 14K respectively). Running is just an exercise for me, to brighten up my physiques, not to challenge myself. Therefore I only ran for New Balance Taipei Half Marathon (college), Alishan Marathon (14K), and Baoshan Reservoir Ultramarathon (45K). My first every marathon was the ultra-marathon, and from that I realised that the process was too crucifying, especially when I was at around 30K. My mentally and body hit the wall, where the final seemed a kingdom far, far, far, faraway. My whole body was exhausted.
That is why we can only admire and in a sublime awe when we see our guests return from Hehuanshan Marathon.The altitude ascendence is around 1200M, while all the route is basically at 2000M of altitude. It is a challenge for human body, and we admire the participants’ determination and perseverance! Rock on! 💯🏃👏
我在UCSD讀書時,會在宿舍旁的小峽谷與灌木林跑步,算是越野跑,非常有趣。回台後,在台GG工作時,也曾常慢跑,參加公司慢跑社,每週兩天定期到交大跑步。不去團練時,也會自己從租屋處跑繞清交大校園一圈或兩圈(約7K或14K)。跑步只是求健康,不求挑戰自我極限。所以至今,我也只參加過New Balance半馬(大學時期)、阿里山馬拉松14K(的樣子)、寶二水庫慈善超級馬拉松(本人第一個馬拉松就是超馬 QQ)。超馬跑完後,我深感過程太折磨人,尤其到30K左有身心靈來到撞牆期,只覺終點遙遙無期、全身疲乏無力。
It’s been quite bustling and crowded since 06:00AM. Today is the one and only Hehuanshan Marathon (合歡山越野馬拉松), where runners start in Cinjing, at around 2000M, just at the plaza right next to us, all the way up to Wuling (武嶺, 3275M) and back. The announcement of the event was in this March, and all our rooms were booked and sold right after. (We are very grateful of the support from our guests all the way for these years). We also scheduled our breakfast earlier to 5AM, so participants could all enjoy our breakfast before the run (Runners of 42K and 45K had to start at 06:30AM).
I used to run more frequently when I was at UCSD, in a nearby bush and on its trail. It was quite fun, because sometimes I could see rabbits and little flowers bloom after the rain. I also joined the company's running club in my previous job. Besides, I also ran around NCTU and NTHU for a lap or two (7K or 14K respectively). Running is just an exercise for me, to brighten up my physiques, not to challenge myself. Therefore I only ran for New Balance Taipei Half Marathon (college), Alishan Marathon (14K), and Baoshan Reservoir Ultramarathon (45K). My first every marathon was the ultra-marathon, and from that I realised that the process was too crucifying, especially when I was at around 30K. My mentally and body hit the wall, where the final seemed a kingdom far, far, far, faraway. My whole body was exhausted.
That is why we can only admire and in a sublime awe when we see our guests return from Hehuanshan Marathon.The altitude ascendence is around 1200M, while all the route is basically at 2000M of altitude. It is a challenge for human body, and we admire the participants’ determination and perseverance! Rock on! 💯🏃👏