🍊 秋天是豐收的季節 Autumn is for Harvest 🍊

我們販售來自南投縣農特產的 #幸福小鋪 ,11月也滿滿豐收👨‍🌾👩‍🌾
上禮拜有來自新竹的游先生,一口氣購買了兩罐「#高山野生蜂蜜🐝。接著,有來自馬來西亞的兩個大家庭,購買了「#台灣原生種小米」以及四包「#野生愛玉籽」,🎉 榮獲幸福小舖當日最高營業額 🎉

Our "Happiness Stall" that sells local organic produce has reached its current-high daily revenue last week. After Mr. You, who was from Hsinchu, purchased 2 bottles of "High Mountain Wild Sage Honey," a group of 2 families from Malaysia also bought a pack of "Endemic Millet" and 4 packs of "Wild Ai-Yu Seeds." Click links below for the stories of our local farmers and their goods... 💓

